Friday, 9 December 2011

The Gift of Love This Christmas

Well that's the pre-Christmas sessions all done and dusted for another year - phew! It's been hard work but I've met so many lovely new (and old) faces along the way. Thank you. The parcels have started rolling in and I am donning my Santa hat to do lots of lovely deliveries ready for the big day as we speak. It's all VERY exciting!!

Still stuck for the perfect gift for someone special? If you've missed my Christmas deadline or would like to gift a session for the new year then don't forget that I do very lovely gift vouchers. Each voucher can me tailored just for you and can be made for any amount you choose. Beautifully presented in a stunning silver wallet - they're good to go and ready to give on Christmas day. Vouchers are valid for 6 months giving plenty of time for your special person to schedule a session at the perfect time.

If you'd like to order a voucher then there is still time. Just click here and you will be directed to my online voucher order form and I'll get back to you to take your payment.

Be sure to place your orders before the 18th December to make sure that I can get your voucher shipped in plenty of time.

Ho ho ho!



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