I live in a beautiful little seaside town called Penarth located just outside of Cardiff in South Wales (UK). Complete with it's very own Victorian pier; it really is a fantastic place to live and a perfect place to raise kids. This comes in handy as I have two (boys that is) who keep me busy and are my world.
My love affair with design and photography started at an early age. I have always loved to draw and create and I was lucky enough to be able to pursue my passion to degree level in the early 1990’s. Then reality set in. A different path loomed. One that would guarantee to pay the bills!!
I realised when I became a Mum for the first time (12 years ago) that time passes so quickly and began to take pictures, recording moments that I knew I would forget. I was asked more and more to take photos for friends and finally… well, here I am, older, wiser and finally able to follow the direction I have always wanted.
So, what makes me different? This is a good question and a hard one to answer. I think at the end of the day it's me. Yes, I can take a decent picture. I understand the technical and creative elements. But I want to produce something a bit unique. I want to capture those natural smiles and expressions and transfer them into treasured pieces of artwork. I love quirky. I love people. I love my job and it shows.
I'm no spring chicken (don't EVEN mention my pending and VERY significant birthday which is looming in the wings!) but I consider this job to be an emotional and physical challenge. I run, I jump, I basically make a fool of myself - it's all for the kids you understand { cough }.
Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you enjoy a little behind the scenes look at what I do and who I am. Why not pop on over to my main site for more images or even join me on Facebook.

Photograph courtesy of the very wonderful Kate Griffin Photography.