Wednesday 17 August 2011

That Magic Sparkle

This is a people business - there's no doubt about that. I love the interaction I have with all manner of models, both parents and children. It so makes up for working by myself and the longing I have for the banter of an office life long gone. These relationships are crucial - not only for my sanity but for my business. You have to be natural. You have to be you. People buy from people at the end of the day and that's always at the forefront of my mind. What really makes my day is not only that people recommend me to their friends but when customers come back for more. It's a bit like a domino effect - the longer I am in business the busier I get - can't complain in fact THANK YOU!!

I first photographed this family back in August 2009 not long after the arrival of beautiful son number two into the household. I was struck, even then by the pure cheekiness (in a good way) of both of the kids. I totally love kids with strong characters. I love a challenge. It keeps me on my toes. Just check out their eyes in the images below - they've got that magic sparkle - LOVE IT!

For session number two we tried something a little different and headed off to a local park in Newport early on a Saturday morning before it got too busy. Great location, great kids, weather - hmmm, bit wet but nothing we couldn't deal with.

Thank you so much to Mum & Dad for being such sports with this session. I had a blast and the kids had me in stitches. A few of my favourites to end the week ...


eyes duo

cheeky sitting


couple duo

Have a great weekend everyone.



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