Tuesday 19 July 2011

In a world of my own

I am a very lucky girl. I am blessed to have a partner who not only puts up with my constant gabbing about cameras but to have one who's actually interested. Yes, he's genuinely fascinated with what I do. So much so that on a recent sunny afternoon (yes, there has been at least one!), he asked whether he could come along to a session to see what I do. After checking with my customer, he took a seat in a local field and watched as the session unfolded. I didn't feel that uncomfortable as I tend to throw myself into things and forget all else and my little model was such a pro that she wasn't even aware that we had an extra pair of eyes! We traipsed through corn fields, we picked buttercups and played hide and seek in the local church grounds. It was fun. Lots of fun.

tree light bw

duo door and tree

butter cup

duo faces

moody tree bw

After the session we said our goodbyes and headed to a local watering hole for a quiet drink (I wholeheartedly recommend the Newbridge on Usk). As we sat by the riverside watching the salmon gracefully leaping out of the water and I picked sheafs of wheat out of my hair, I asked him what he thought. His response surprised me. He was totally unprepared in regards to how personal the session was. How I was totally engrossed in building a relationship with my model that nothing else really mattered to an extent that he almost felt (sort of) uncomfortable. I'd never really thought about it like that but he's right (for once). So for now on I will continue on my lonesome until I can encourage him to carry my ever so girly yellow camera bag and to train him to hold a reflector!

I loved this session ... thank you so much to my beautiful little model and her ever patient mum for standing in those windy fields of corn!! ;)



Samantha Jones Photography said...

Sarah, these shot are delightful. I do know what your partner means about "being in the zone". I was at a family christening recently and thought that some group shots would be nice ... my partner stood, open mouthed, as I gently cajoled everyone into the shot. My wedding photography experience certainly came to the fore.

I love the innocence in these images and you must have had the most wonderful time - don't we have the best job in the world!

Alexandra said...

What beautiful images of childhood innocence, I love the locations that you find it really build the story. And what a gorgeous little girl !

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