Friday, 14 October 2011

Cheeky Little Chappy

This week I've mainly been ill ... yep, feeling very sorry for myself. I think I should in fact have been a man as I felt incapable of doing anything this week but press on I must. Any other mums reading this will know that there are no days off - no sickies - no duvet days. Couple this with running a busy business from home then there's no wonder it's taken me almost 2 weeks to shift this darn thing but there's no rest for the wicked! Moan over ... all better now :)

Obviously sessions this week have had to be postponed. I am always very conscious of passing bugs onto little ones and would rather stay away until it's cleared. Gutted as I am not ill very often but I am blessed with very understanding customers. So, this week I have been concentrating on editing, filling up the 2011 diary (only 5 weekend slots left before Christmas!) taking orders and packaging up lots of lovely art blocks and frames. One of the trips to the post office this week contained a disc full of lovely images for the mum and dad of this amazingly cheeky little chappy.

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We took a stroll along the canal just outside of their beautiful home one sunny Sunday morning a few weeks back. Although initially a little gobsmacked at the strange lady poking a camera in his face, he soon got into the swing of things and we got some amazing smiles.

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This was taken just before dad took a tumble into the canal - joke! Although we had a couple of hairy moments!!

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Such a lovely family and a pleasure to work with you. I really look forward to seeing how your little man grows and blossoms.

Now ... where did I put that Lemsip? Have a great weekend everyone ...



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