Tuesday 22 March 2011

Cardiff Family Photography { When words just aren't enough }

It’s not long now ... April the 3rd to be precise – put it in the diary if you haven’t already. Mothers Day. One of those Hallmark moments created solely to benefit retail outlets everywhere or is this one just a little bit special?

As a mum myself I would have to say that it’s the latter. It wasn’t until I had my own children that I realised that perhaps, just perhaps that I could have made a bit more of an effort to show my mum how special she really is.

Being a mum is hard (honest dad’s it really is). You work, cook, clean, play dressing up, sing songs (even if you don’t sound like Adele - I like to think I do), cheer them up when they are feeling down – even when you don’t want to do anything else than have a cuppa and a big bar of chocolate in peace. Then, time flies by and before you know it they get bigger and it’s a whole different kettle of fish. Emotions run high and we end up being both mediators and agony aunts. Why do we do it? Why do we put in that extra effort? It’s because they are a little bit of us and we love them – unconditionally.

So, does a bunch of daffs, a card and even lunch (if she’s lucky) say enough? Does it really show how much you appreciate what she’s done for you and continues to do?

I spend loads of my "mummy time" playgroups and waiting at the nursery gates on the school run. I chat to mums and overhear other people’s conversations. The topic? Their children. I used to think that there must be other things to talk about but there is no shame is saying that our kids are our lives. We’re proud, why not tell the world?
mother 1
So this Mothers Day, whether for your wife, mother or grandmother, take a moment to think about what she would really treasure. Beautiful portraits of the one’s she loves is a truly unique way to say thank you for all of those little things that have made such a big difference to you and your family.

Gift Vouchers are available in any amount and come beautifully presented. To purchase a voucher just click here or give me a call on 07852 255 766. If you live in Penarth, or the surrounding areas I can hand-deliver your gift voucher to you up until Saturday 2nd April. For all other areas, be sure to place your order before Tuesday 29th March to ensure deliver in time for the big day.

So when words just aren't enough, surprise her with something more than a little bit special.



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