Thursday, 18 November 2010

My Little Man

My little man. We've been through ups and downs over his first three years. Jimmy T (as he likes to be called) was born with a cleft lip and palate three years ago today. The trauma of having to endure two operations whilst he was such a small baby still plays on my heart. I think myself very lucky that we weren't faced with anything more life threatening and I am full of admiration for those parents that have to deal with more serious illnesses and conditions.

Thankfully he is a totally healthy little man who keeps me on my toes with his endless questions, chitter chatter and outstanding dancing skills (obviously gets that from his mum!).

Happy Birthday my Jimmy T.


Jo Rutherford said...

What a little sweetie... I remember Craig having to have grommets put in at about 14 months and it just feels like the most traumatic event and then they bounce back so quickly

Beautiful portrait Sarah x

Kate said...

Beautiful post Sarah and fantastic image to boot. x

Rosalind said...

Aaw. Happy birthday Jimmy T. What a lovely post, Sarah.

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