Monday, 22 November 2010

South Wales Child Photographer { The Look That Says it All }

I've seen lots of familiar faces this year and especially in the mad run up to Christmas. I met up with one of the nicest couples I have met in a long time for the second session with their little boy who I first me almost a year ago to the day.

Mum was frantic when I arrived, "He's not slept or eaten and I'm pulling my hair out!". Oh, how I've heard that before. Kids!? Unpredictable? Oh, YES! I decided to make myself at home and sat down with Dad to discuss the finer points of Batman movies as Mum rallied round gathering together outfits and props - this was going to be fun!

Up at Cwm Darren Park it soon became apparent that not only would it be fun but blooming cold to boot. My little model was very willing until he realised how cold his little hands were and protested VERY strongly. Remedy? Whilst carrying him to a more sheltered spot I blew hot air down his sleeves - she shoots, she scores!

Anyway - so nice to see this family again and I hope you've thawed out nicely. Plowing through the editing as we speak but had to post this one as it makes me smile each and every time I look at it. The look says it all.

Why? it made me smile, that's why.


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