I don't remember when I held my first camera - maybe about eight years old?? I didn't come from a particularly 'arty' family, certainly not one that was into photography. My enduring memories of family photographs always included my mum's thumb carefully inserted in front of the lens or wonky, out-of focus holiday snaps. Do you know, it didn't matter. Those photographs still document my childhood however badly composed and haphazard!
It always feels like a bit of a busmans holiday when I take my camera out with the kids. Don't get me wrong, I love capturing them but they don't act naturally, basically I think they may be sick of it. Solution? Let your 2 year old loose with your camera. With mum close at hand he snapped away quite happily - lots of shots of grass, his big brother, mum and a strange fascination with my new camera bag (well it is lovely).
All those hours of watching mum have obviously paid off and I am a little worried about the competition ;) Think I may just put my feet up in the future and let him take the family snaps shots - not a thumb in sight!
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